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Yoga (Hindi: योग)

Author:admin Time:2016-09-22 14:57 Browse:

Yoga (Hindi: योग) originated from the Hindu Sanskrit "yug" or "yuj", which means "unity", "union" or "harmony". Yoga originated from ancient India and is one of the six major philosophical schools in ancient India. It explores the principle and method of "the unity of Sanskrit and ego". What modern people call yoga is mainly a series of methods of cultivating one's body and mind.
About 300 B.C., Patanjali, the ancestor of India's Great Sage Yoga, created the Yoga Sutra, on which Indian Yoga took shape. Yoga practice was formally established as a complete eight-branch system. Yoga is a system that helps human beings fully develop their potential by raising their awareness.
Yoga posture uses ancient and easy-to-master skills to improve people's physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual abilities. It is a way of achieving the harmony and unity of body, mind and spirit, including body-adjusting posture, breathing and meditation, so as to achieve the unity of body and mind.
Yoga is a 5,000-year-old physical, psychological and spiritual exercise that originated in India and aims to improve your body and mind. On December 11, 2014, the General Assembly declared June 21 as the International Yoga Day and held the first International Yoga Day on June 21 in 2015.
Yoga falls into two categories: classical yoga, modern yoga and now orthodox yoga.


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